Top 5 Fall Hairstyles for Men

Top 5 Fall Hairstyles for Men

Sep 29, 2016Hailey Way

Whether it’s no-shave November or turning heads with a new look, Autumn ushers in a time for new beginnings or a complete change in style. Layers and fall fashion are all the rage, but what about a totally new hairstyle?

So, gentlemen… here are a few of our top picks:

1) Mid Fade + Natural Combover

This look is part effortless and part rigid. Fade with our top of the line clippers, from zero to three up to the temple to give one side a clean look. Follow the line of where hair naturally grows to leave a wispy chunk of hair. Go ahead, run your hands through those luscious locks.


2) Razor Fade Pompadour

Photo: YouTube

This nostalgic Elvis look is making a comeback with a few modern tweaks. Instead of all grown out, a low fade just above the ear makes this look ultra clean with a nod to the retro style. Razors are a barber's best friend for mastering the art of the fade.


3) Tapered Short Cut

A tapered short haircut is generally best worn with a little tuft of growth on the top. Normally, this would begin with a razor on the undercut, followed by edging and thinning out the top. Minimal, stylish and clean.


4) Middle Part Surfer

Photo: Pinterest

We love this look. Something about grown out hair looks perfect with a hat for fall. General upkeep for this look is adding layers or thinning to keep it weightless. Check out ShearCraft's professional thinning shears. Or grow it out for half ponytail! 


5) Long Fringe with Short Undercut

Photo: Men's Hairstyle

This look belongs on those who turn heads. With a long lock of edged fringe, this look allows for style opportunities and free movement. Style accordingly: business in back, party in the front.

We hope this gives all of our men out there inspiration for a new do! When comes to ushering in change... just do it!

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  • Когда предстоят работы дабы высоте, гордо подобрать надежную опору. Словно, бедствовать выполнить отделку фасада иначе отреставрировать памятник архитектуры, поднимаясь дабы 7 – 10 метров. Обычная лестница в этом случае не подойдет, а вот вышки туры будут оптимальным вариантом. Почему? Перечислим основные преимущества.

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    Рачительность и безопасность работ – для рабочей площадке достанет места не только дабы рабочего, однако и ради строительных материалов, ведер, инструмента. Боковые ограждения помогают предотвратить упадок с высоты.
    Мобильность – вышки туры имеют колеса для перемещения сообразно рабочей площадке, поэтому их свободно передвигать, не разбирая.
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